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023 - Toby Peterson |

023 – Toby Peterson

Toby Peterson of DeLorean Service Northwest and DeLorean Parts Northwest joins the show and shares his DeLorean story, and to talk about …

018 – Col Bennett |

018 – Col Bennett

Col is a perfectionist that may have met his match – a DeLorean. His lifelong dream of owning a DeLorean finally came true, and he’s been having a great time making an already perfect car even more perfect.

012 – Steve Concotelli |

012 – Steve Concotelli

Steve and I talk about filmmaking and the details of shooting and editing his movie “OUTATIME: Saving the DeLorean Time Machine”, his DeLorean experiences, and the his experiences wit promoting the film.

005 – Ryan, Andy, and Bob |

005 – Ryan, Andy, and Bob

Bob Brandys, Ryan Brandys, and Andy Strano join Dave Tavres to talk about the upcoming ‘DeLorean Weekend’ in Las Vegas, as well as, non-destructive Time Machine add-ons, and full-sized power windows for the DeLorean.

004 - Mark Dehlinger |

004 – Mark Dehlinger

Mark Dehlinger liked DeLoreans since he was a kid, and he joins Dave Tavres for episode 4 of DeLorean Talk.